Results for bath – Pictures Of Watches

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2 results found in this directory:

Cosmonaute bathrobe (cosmo_peignoir.jpg) Cosmonaute bathrobe
2012-01-20, 84.2 KB
600 × 800 pixels
A Breitling Cosmonaute does dress up a bathrobe quite nicely...
(Keywords: breitling, cosmonaute, bath, bathrobe, wrist shot)

B-1 underwater (b-1_underwater_deshaies.jpg) B-1 underwater
2012-01-20, 109.0 KB
768 × 768 pixels
Breitling B-1 bathing in Deshaies, French West Indies.
(Keywords: breitling, b-1, wrist shot, water, swimming)

Nearby keywords: bathrobe, breitling, cosmonaute, wrist shot.

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