PhotoDesc is a homemade picture gallery software, based on PHP, GD, MySQL and XML/RDF. The project started in 2006.
Version 2.3 – Last update on 2015-05-27.
No custom configuration file is in use for displaying this gallery.
Size of the descriptions file: 923 entries in the data base.
JavaScript is disabled (on the client side).
Nothing else to report.
Searching: you can search several words: mountains landscape, look for sentences by putting the words between quotation marks: "this is my sentence", or exclude words with a negation sign: mountains landscape -ski
Commenting: if public comments are enabled, you can add your comments to the files. After sending your message, you will have a limited time to delete it, if you so wish. For security reasons, new comments have to be validated by a moderator. Also, flooding control is active, and HTML language is not tolerated. For any problem, call the site's webmaster.
Editing/deleting/adding files: you first need to log in as Administrator.