Results for snow – Pictures Of Watches

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2 results found in this directory:

B-1 in the snow (b-1_snow_2010.jpg) B-1 in the snow
2012-01-20, 101.6 KB
1,024 × 683 pixels
Breitling B-1 in the fresh February snow.
(Keywords: breitling, b-1, snow, winter)

SuperO over glove (with snow) (SNC00074.jpg) SuperO over glove (with snow)
2012-01-20, 60.7 KB
1,024 × 768 pixels
Breitling SuperOcean Professional being worn over a glove while skiing, thanks to the diver suit extension hidden in the clasp.
(Keywords: breitling, superocean, superocean professional, wrist shot, sports, skiing)

Nearby keywords: b-1, breitling, winter.

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