Pictures of watches – Don Indiano's photo gallery

Chronomat and SLK

Chronomat and SLK (chronomat_slk_wrist_shot.jpg)
Chronomat and SLK

Breitling Chronomat steel/gold being worn while driving a Mercedes-Benz

Keywords: breitling, chronomat, wrist shot, slk, mercedes-benz, driving, yogi

File information

File date: 2012-01-20 22:47:10
File size: 179.7 KB
Dimensions: 1,024 × 768 pixels (View in original size)

EXIF capture information

Camera: Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
Focal Length: 10 mm
Aperture: f/7.1
Exposure time: 1/50 s
ISO 200
Flash not fired

Your reactions (1)

From an anonymous contributor (Aug. 2010):
can't take it with you buddy!

(New comments are temporarily disabled due to lack of moderator activity.)

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